Sip On This: What We Drink In A Day...

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Sip On This: What We Drink In A Day...

Prioritizing and pampering our immune systems is more important than ever, and what we choose to put into our mouths (food + drink) is the most empowering and influential choice we can make, repeatedly, each and every day. In order to support optimum immune function, feed and foster our microbiomes, and awaken overall vitality - we can fuel our systems with hydrating beverages in addition to noshing on Good Clean food…

Sipping a health supporting beverage is a nourishing and super convenient way to import extra immunity enhancing nutrients into our internal operating systems. By staying hydrated, we nurture our systems - from the cellular level and take the first giant step towards feeling fantastic.

While pure, clean water is the go-to-guru for optimal hydration - we find, especially during these winter months, a cup of H2O can feel just a little bit drab…. So we’ve rounded up our favorite sips of the moment. Thirsty for more? Read on:

Our day in a cup:

  1. Citrus Water: thats rich: you’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it over and over again. By adding a few squeezes in of lemon (or lime) into your first sips of water in the morning you are setting yourself up for sweeter day. Lemon water infuses us with vitamin C, zinc, potassium and more. Ayurveda recommends room temp or slightly warm warm to improve digestive function and we ride on that train too.

  2. Coconut Water: We’re nuts for this nut and next on in our hydration station is coconut water. Whether after a workout or as the liquid in our smoothies - coconut water is a potassium rich and flavor filled way to refuel our systems, boost our electrolytes, and brighten our mornings. Favorite Brans: thrive + harmless harvest.

  3. Green Juice: We couldn’t make it through our drink list without popping in the almighty green! Dark leafy greens are jam packed with nutrients - iron, calcium,, chlorophyll and more - green veggie based drinks are a sexy vehicle to nourish our systems with hydration + nutrients. Reaching for a green juice (in a beautiful glass jar ~ we like GCF or Weck jars) keeps our energy up + our intention towards clean eating on track. We make ours at home with this Hurom slow juicer: or we grab on the go from Tonic Juicery in Carbondale, Jus in Aspen (and now Snowmass), or Wonder Juice in Boulder (and now Denver)!

  4. OLIPOP! Our good clean team is hands down obsessed with the cute and catchy cans at Olipop. A healthy alternative to soda, Olipop is a “deliciously fizzy tonic that combines the benefits of prebiotics, plant fiber, and botanicals to support your microbiome and benefit digestive health.” The drinks are naturally nostalgic and our go-to when we start to crave a happy-hour adult beverage. Our faves are lemon ginger + classic cola but you must try the 12 can variety pack to discover your own. {Link here for 15% off!} Sweet secret pro tip: try a root beer float made with OLIPOP root beer + nada moo vanilla… oh my word.

  5. Herbal Teas + Tonics: We like to wind down our days with an immunity infused tea or tonic. Our tastes ebb + flow with the seasons off course but always topping our lists: tulsi (for stress management) ginger (for gut health + digestion), turmeric (for inflammation) and peppermint (for sleep). We also bring in our favorite adaptogens in our nighttime tonics - you know we love four stigmatics selection of medicinal mushroom blends - individually packaged tinctures - and we are always stocked with coco mix + chai latte with relaxing reishi, and golden latte with turkey tail for immune support.

Thanks for diving into our coffee (well, yes sometimes coffee too) )cups with us! We’ll see you sippin’ something around town soon. Cheers!

Good Clean Hot Cocoa

Immune Boosting Teas Tonics + Tinctures