Feeling Good. The Lowdown On Supplements

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Feeling Good. The Lowdown On Supplements

At Tuesday Foods, our team is dedicated to living vibrantly and feeling good. Whether it’s getting stronger at the gym, improving our relationships, sticking to our meditation practice, or expanding our knowledge by taking a class or reading a great book – the overall goal is to feel awesome. Our health and vitality is no different, and taking dietary supplements (along with eating good clean food!) - is something that we use every day to improve our health, and help us feel our absolute best.

There are 13 essential vitamins and 16 minerals that our bodies need to function optimally. In addition to that, we need proper levels of protein for muscle growth, cellular repair and hormone production, complex carbohydrates for energy, omega-3 fatty acids for brain and heart health, and the right balance of bacteria in the gut to make sure it’s all being digested and absorbed smoothly.

Ideally, our diet would provide us with everything we need, but this isn’t always possible! Busy schedules, on-the-go eating, varied soil quality, lack of access to organic foods, sickness, allergies, or food intolerances can all lead to less than stellar intake. (Plus, no one’s perfect every day!)

That’s where dietary supplements come in. Taking Vitamins, minerals and herbs can be a useful way to fill nutritional gaps in your diet, support your body and help you feel your very best.

The best supplements to take daily are those nutrients that may be lacking in your body due to diet and/or environment. Of course, this is why your supplement plan should be individualized based on your needs. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about nutrient testing if you suspect that you are deficient.

Here are some of the products we love, and a glossary of terms below….


1. B Complex

2. Vitamin D3

3. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, DHA and EPA

4. Probiotics


1. Buffered Vitamin C

2. Bee Keeper’s B Immune Propolis Spray

3. Reishi Spore Extract

3. Probiotics


1. B Complex

2. Magnesium

3. L-Theanine


1. Turmeric

2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, DHA and EPA

3. Vitamin D3



2. Melatonin

3. L-theanine


1. Essential oils - (We like Wisdom Of The Earth)

2. Trace Minerals

3. Athletic Greens (or morning greens)

4. 1906 THC dros: “Midnight” or “Chill” when desperate for a good night’s sleep (we use these very sparingly!)


B Complex:

“Picture B Complex like a beehive, made up of 11 nutrient worker bees, creating and sustaining your body’s energy supply by helping to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The busy B’s activities keep heart health and immunity humming and therapeutic doses are also a great treatment for a headache, fatigue, mood, stress and menstrual disorders. With B vitamins involved in so many of the body’s operations, it’s easy to see how coming up short can easily affect how well you feel on a given day, so treating your body to a B Complex supplement is a virtual no-brainer. This is particularly key if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet which might be short on B’s.”

When buying a B Complex Vitamin, keep in mind that many of us have a genetic mutation that makes it difficult to process the B Vitamins - The MTFHR Gene - So look for methylated forms of folate and B12 for maximum benefit.

Vitamin D3:

“The Vitamin D deficiency is epidemic, with up to 80 percent of modern day humans being deficient or suboptimal in their intake. Depending on what is in your multivitamin, I recommend taking additional vitamin D. Vitamin D3 improves metabolism by influencing more than 200 different genes that can prevent and treat diabetes and metabolic syndrome. For serious deficiencies, you may need more vitamin D, as much as 5,000 to 10,000 IU a day for 3 months or more. Do this with your doctor’s supervision, if needed.” -

Ideally your levels should be in the optimal levels of 50-80 ng/ml. Have your Dr. check your levels to determine supplement needs.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids, EPA and DHA:

“Fish oil supplements are rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are vital to good health. They support your body’s ability to prevent chronic diseases and help protect it against inflammation. They also promote a stronger immune system; they support cardiovascular, joint and vision health; they strengthen skin, hair, and nails; they enhance nutrient absorption and metabolic function; and they help with attention, mood and memory skills. In short, fish oil is seriously good stuff. As with Vitamin D, you can’t make your own omega-3 fatty acids, so you’ve got to get it from outside sources. Fatty fish and fish oil supplements are your best bets, particularly because many fatty fish are contaminated with mercury and other nasty stuff. Indulge in fish oil supplements instead!”

Choose a high quality fish oil to ensure purity and removal of toxins,heavy metals and pesticides.


“Magnesium is a mineral that is responsible for the correct metabolic function of over 350 enzymes in the body. You’ll find it in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and even dark chocolate. Spinach, pumpkin seeds and black beans are especially high in magnesium too. Still, many of us fall short. So what can magnesium do for you? It will help you unwind, relax aching and tense muscles, keep blood pressure in check and ease constipation.” -


“Probiotics are the naturally occurring ‘good’ bacteria that live in your gut and play a significant role in your total wellness. When you’re healthy, your intestinal tract hosts a battalion of more than 100 trillion friendly bacteria, who spend their days aiding digestion, boosting your immune system and consuming bad bacteria. They manufacture key nutrients and limit the growth of yeast and unhealthy bacteria — and, in their spare time, they also help inhibit bouts of lactose intolerance, poor digestion and diarrhea. But as strong as your belly battalion might be, poor diet, stress, pollution and antibiotic use can wipe out the good guys – so it’s up to you to fortify and repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria. That’s where probiotics come in: a daily dose is a fantastic way to swiftly and significantly improve digestion and strengthen immunity – no prescription required! Side effects are rare, although some people may initially experience some gas and bloating, which usually subsides within a few days.” - Dr. Frank Lipman

Include fermented foods like saurkraut, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, amd sourdough bread in your diet. If you feel like you are not getting enough, supplement with a high quality probiotic with the two most common beneficial bacteria, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.


“L-theanine supplements are nature’s “chill pills.” Found primarily in tea, L-theanine is an amino acid that helps calm the nervous system. It’s also thought to be the secret to tea’s subtle calming effects despite the caffeination. While it can help improve your quality of sleep, L-theanine is also helpful for reducing anxiety levels. These days, with so many people stressed to the max, it’s an effective, drug-free alternative that enables you to take the edge off anytime the need arises.”

Turmeric (Curcumin):

“Turmeric, that wonderful, mild-mannered root that gives curries their yellow color, is the Superman of the spice world. Turmeric root contains curcumin, which helps reduce inflammation. When you stop inflammation in its tracks, a lot of good-things follow, like reductions in pain and fatigue and improvement in mood and cognitive function. Curcumin also interrupts the normal progression of cancer cells and is found in most traditional anti-cancer herbal formulas. If I had to choose one single herb for all possible health needs, I would choose turmeric. It’s a winner.”