Five Benefits of Juice Cleansing, According to our friend Ali Margo

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Five Benefits of Juice Cleansing, According to our friend Ali Margo

Five Reasons To Do A Juice Cleanse

When it comes to making a commitment to a challenge, it’s a lot easier to come up with reasons not to do it than to pull the trigger. And let’s be honest: for most of us, doing a juice cleanse, even for one day, is hard. A lot of my excuses might be legit, from cost and time to scheduling. But here’s the thing: it’s never the wrong choice. Here are a few reasons why:

#1) You never lose when you invest in yourself.

The cost is the first thing you have to swallow, but you simply can’t put a price on your own health and wellness, not to mention feeling good. I guess I think about other indulgences in my life, like going out to a nice restaurant, getting a facial or massage, or spending the night in a nice hotel. You simply can’t put a price on making investment in yourself and feeling good. When have you ever regretted investing in yourself? If you’re the best you can be, you’re going to be your best for the people in your life who need you the most. For me, it’s worth it every single time.

#2) Hit the pause button and take a break from all the noise.

A juice cleanse disrupts your normal habits and routine. In many ways, this can be the most challenging part. Not joining your work friends who go out for lunch or not reaching for the crackers and cheese you normally like to snack on for dinner or the dark chocolate you enjoy for dessert can take some serious will power. But it’s also a break from the noise and anxiety that food choices can sometimes evoke, because for those glorious three days, you simply don’t have to think about it. The juices are prescribed in a specific order and meant to be consumed every two hours, so you don’t have to think about the timing, either. Taking this break from your daily habits can also be an opportunity to break those bad habits, or at least make you aware of them.

#3) Recharge your palate.

One of the best things about a juice cleanse is the way it resets your taste buds. I’m always surprised to discover, even after just one day, how delicious the juices start to taste. My favorite is ending the day with that glorious cashew milk, which is thicker in texture, a little sweet, a little salt, and extremely satisfying. It literally tastes like a milkshake! Once the cleanse is done, I’m always amazed by how that first bite of an apple tastes so insanely good. That’s because our taste buds get oversaturated, especially from an excess of sugar, fat and salt that is present in most processed foods. You’ll find you want to keep the good juices flowing, even after the juice, and make better food chocies for days to come.

#4) Clean out the pipes.

While it’s certainly not always the most fun, giving your digestive system a break and allowing your gut the time to heal and regenerate is the part of the cleanse that makes you feel good when it’s done. It’s kind of like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist. That layer of plaque and fuzz you feel on your teeth exists in your gut too. Just three days really does make a difference when it comes to feeling good inside and out. I find it eliminates bloating and that discomfort I often feel from excess. It feels so good, I want to keep it going by making healthy food choices and eating clean for days after the cleanse is done. For me, it’s the best way to jump start healthier habits that last.

#5) Get the glow.

You don’t realize how what you eat affects your skin until you take a few days off from eating those foods. I’m always blown away by how even toned, clear and glowy my skin looks when I stop eating sugar and dairy. It’s the most evidence I need to understand how profound nutrition can be. You really are what you eat!